I created this personal skillset for myself based on the Disco Elysium RPG system. It helped me understand my thoughts better and explore my plurality.


Trompe-l'œil — Tricks of the light, self-deception and detecting others' deception

Mythopoetics — Creating narratives, projecting a sense of beauty and purpose unto things

Lens Calibrator — Shifting focus between the macrocosm and the microcosm, risking existential dread as the level of abstraction increases

Dialectics — The use of critical thought and opposition to build a subversive reality

Weltschmertz — Worldly ache, the feeling of reaching out to humanity accross time, melancholic displacement

Ithaca — Sense of utopia, the ability to conceptualize the best possible reality to use as a compass


Volition — Will, self-possession and ability to hold on to purpose

Tapestry — The capacity to weave community, to understand others' desires and needs and guide them towards connecting with each other

Numen — Sense of holiness in the mundane, the capacity to see the sacred in the earthly pleasures without the need for hiding their faults behind the divine

Earthling — Homeland, sense of belonging to a community through nature and the physical, to feel evolution's fingerprints on your body and culture

Refraction — Awareness of one's own mental make-up, the ability to see where a thought is coming from and its potential biases

Rhizomes — Mutualism; the ability to discard hierarchies between individuals, species, territories, to see the naked ties between them


Endurance — Energy reserves, the stamina to weather pain and strenuous conditions

Momentum — Ability to perform actions on autopilot, to be guided by muscle memory and a pull to move

Sisyphe Heureux — The ability to find joy in hard physical work, to bounce back from trauma and heal the body through reinventing one's life purpose

Beast of Burden — Letting go of the superego, the capacity to distract oneself from the realities of physical pain and exhaustion, but also to give in to libido and pleasure

Praeparatio Malorum — Readiness to survive duress; the capacity to reduce agony through subjecting oneself to trial runs of it. Glorified masochism.

Half Light — Primal fight or flight response, intense response to fear and feeling threatened, visceral reaction.


Amber — Ability to retain detail, to be able to mentally photograph a scene, to commit the significance of location to memory and preserve the information with little bias

Chronotyphlos — Time blindness; ability to escape the flow of time in the mind, passing the time quicker, or the feeling that the hours are stretchy and dense like warm caramel

Quicksilver — Mercurial temperament, shiftiness, unpredictability. Adapting to changes of plans, or more often, changing them yourself. The ever-shifting opinions and non-sequiturs

Mania — Density of attention and activity; control (or lack thereof) over where thoughts are directed, where energy is spent, what is preserved and what is discarded

Déluge — Sensory overwhelm; what information is coming from which sense, the ordering of it, the visible reactions in the body to that information

Translation — The quickness to adapt to a social situation, the ability to translate input from one sense into the other, to change language registers and control over the limbs